Help Others to be On-Target
If you are alive, you have surely realized there are hurting people all around you. Ultimately, God has every answer for every human condition and He seeks out those who are willing to get involved in other people’s lives. God always uses individuals who are available for Him to use – plain and simple!! No matter how much you know or don’t know, God desires to use you to help others. YOU are part of His divine agendas!
How can I help someone who needs me TODAY?
God has called us to meet people right where they are and take them to
where God wants them to be. How can we do that? I have listed five things that will help you help other people. Learn these practical things and God will open opportunities for you to help others.
1.) Listen well enough to see through their eyes!
a. You will never be much help to anyone if you can’t see through their eyes.
b. You will never be able to see through their eyes if you don’t listen to the cry of their heart.
c. As you listen, God will reveal root issues and use you to reveal those issues and replace them with TRUTH.
2.) Connect well enough to communicate with their heart!
a. There is a great difference in connecting with someone’s head and connecting with their heart!!
b. When you connect with someone on a heart level, that individual recognizes that you have something of value to add to their life. What is the result? You are given the right to speak truth to them in a real, relevant, and revolutionary way.
c. REMEMBER, you must earn the right to speak truth into someone’s life.
3.) Care enough to be interested in their world!
a. Someone has said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!”
b. The very moment I realize someone is not interested in what’s going on in my world is the same moment my time and attention is focused elsewhere.
c. People want to be loved and heard. Only those who take time to love and listen are the ones allowed the privilege of walking through the dark doors in people’s heart that have been closed for years.
4.) Encourage enough to keep them motivated!
a. Encouragement is one of the most powerful, motivational tools available to us.
b. We have the power to lift-up or tear-down with our tongue.
c. Just prior to writing this document, I received an email from someone who shared five different stories of how God used my testimony to stir up change in their families’ lives. As I read the email, I began to praise God with a new motivation I didn’t have before! I love to encourage others because I know what it does for me!!
5.) Spend enough time with God to learn His voice!
a. God has every answer to every human need; all He needs is someone to point others to HIM.
b. As you spend time with God yourself, you will learn to discern His voice, His promptings, and His leadership in your life.
c. Without God, you will never make much of an impact on others. With His help, He will help them through you.
d. As you spend quiet time with God, He puts things in you that you don’t even know are there. When you have an opportunity to help someone, things come out of your mouth that you never even realized you knew.
e. The more time you spend with Him, the more prepared you are to help others & the more people God divinely places in your pathway!!
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